6741 1701 | 妫汭源流 . 源远流长 . 有虞衍泽 sec@hwuclan.org.sg

总会历史 History of our clan


History of Our ​Clan


Established the Hwu Clan


Renamed as Singapore Hwu Clan Association, to include members of more diverse dialect groups.


Established the Committee of Clan Building Development


The association was renamed as Nanyang Hwu Clan Association, in order to include members from Malaysia Federation and Indonesia archipelago. The naming remains until this day. In the same year on 28th August, the Geylang Rd No. 693 site was acquired and used as the permanent site for the association.


1945年8月15日日本投降,新加坡结束了3年6个月日本沦陷时期的黑暗统治,重见天日。当时胡氏先辈,有感于缺乏一个组织来团结宗亲,有心人于是登高一呼,众人支持。1946年9月3日,胡氏先贤:胡策、达庭、源宝、灼予 、胡念和双德等倡议组织胡氏宗祠,得到正面回应。


1951年5月6日举行的会员大会,讨论修改章程,将“星加坡广肇 胡氏宗祠”改为“星加坡胡氏公会”。由于会员人数激增,现有会所已不敷应用,遂于1953年5月召开的会员大会通过成立筹建会所委员会。

为了尽快达成筹足购置会所基金的目标。因此,为了广纳马来亚联邦各州属的宗亲加入成为会员,1955年6月19日经特别会员大会通过,将原本定名“新加坡胡氏公会”冠以“南洋”二字,正名为“新加坡南洋胡氏总会”。 1956年8月28日购得芽笼路693号为会所,面积一万二千余方尺,并于当日正式迁入办公,奠定本会永久会所之基础。



会所虽经翻修后,建筑物还是不符合发展规格,如不设法重建 ,若与政府规划的市区重建蓝图不符,地皮可能因此被征用;另一方面,拥有一万二千方尺的地段只建单层及双层建筑物的旧会所,也不符合经济效益。机缘巧合,事缘位于淡申路6 ¼英里的九峰岩通淮庙面临被征用的处境,有需要另择地建新庙。经过多番的协商,策划,终于达成决议,九峰岩负担建筑费,本会献出地皮,大厦建成后,本会取得百分之六十产权,九峰岩则占有百分之四十。

南洋胡氏总会大厦终于1997年竣工。一座四层楼高,朴实大方现代化设备的大厦在芽笼37巷建立起来。我们要感激筹建委员的付出与贡献。他们是金钟、勇生、冠仁、晋发、帝旺、拯 华、和平及兴仁等人。胡氏大厦是胡氏族人出钱出力,众志成城的标志。

2002年,金钟宗长卸任,由清山宗亲接任常务委员会主席一职 ,他不忘前主席嘱咐在他任内要完成举办第一届世界胡氏宗亲恳亲大会的未了心愿。

于2005年成立一个筹备工作委员会,以推动新大厦落成和世界胡氏宗亲恳亲大会各项工作,恰逢隔年是本总会成立60周年,于是理事会议决2006年举办三庆,择日于2006年12月19日至 21日,一连三天举行三庆庆典活动。它标志着本总会第一次走出本土,面向全世界胡氏族人,配合庆典出版了一本纪念特刊,同时也启动了新的网站和推介光碟 。



On 15 August 1945, the Japanese surrendered, ending the 3 years 6 months period of Japanese occupation, Singapore re-emerged from the dark times. At that time, members of the Hwu families felt that there lacked a cohesive group to reunite members of the Hwu, that could react with supports to calls for unity. On 3 September 1946, pioneers such as Hu Ce, Da Ting, Yuan Bao, Zhuo Yu, Hu Nian and Shuang De raised up the intent to set up a Hwu Affiliate and received positive response.

On 8 September of the same year, the intent materialised with about two dozens of members of the Hwu gathered at 3 Bugis Street, New Citizen Hairdresser Saloon, commenced the first meeting, selected a group of representatives and wrote the Hwu Affiliates Charter for official registry. By the end of that year, with the approval of registration by the authority, a Commoners’ Conference was held on 29 December to formally established the Singapore Hwu Affiliates to begin the recruitment and selected the Executive Committee for the year of 1947.

A grand meeting among the members was held on 6 May 1951 to discuss the amendment of the charter, and renamed the affiliates as the Singapore Hwu Clan Association. Due to the overwhelming increase in membership, the original site can no longer sustain its function. In May 1953, a grand meeting among members was held and approved the construction of a new building for the clan association.

To reach the goal of accumulating sufficient funds and resources, members of the Hwu from Malaysian Federation were also incorporated into the clan association. On 19 June 1955, a symbolic meeting was held to approve of the renaming the association as Nanyang Hwu Clan Association. On 28 August 1956, the association successfully acquired the unit at Geylang Rd 693 for use as the clan association building, covering an area of more than 12 000 sq ft , and moved in on the same day, securing the location as the permanent site for the clan association.

On 11 January 1959, at 11 am, the association finally celebrated the establishment of the clan site and the 8th anniversary of the establishment of the association. That evening, a ceremonial feast was held to host many special guests, with more than a thousand at the dinner. In tandem with the occasion, the Hwu Association 8th Anniversary Gazette was published. The gazette was the clan association’s first ever publication, which makes it the most significant literary heritage of the clan association. The chief editor of the publication is Ting Xiu.

On 21 July 1991, the 40th Anniversary of the clan association was held in the presence of the then Minister of Finance Dr Hu Ci Dao. The ceremony was full of joy and excitement.

​Even though the clan association building was upgraded, there were still areas which fell short of meeting the requirements of the regulations. In the event that the area got considered for urban redevelopment plan, there was a possibility that the plot of land be re-acquired. On the other hand, with a land area of 12 000 sq ft, it would not make economical sense to build only a single or double storey building. With much coincidence, the Jiu Feng Yan Temple was in search of a new location to relocate. With much negotiation and planning, an agreement was established whereby the Jiu Feng Yan Temple fund the construction of the new Nanyang Hwu Clan Association building, while the clan association supplied the plot of land at Geylang. The split in ownership of the building is 3 to 2.

The Nanyang Hwu Clan Association Commercial Tower was finally opened in 1997. The simple, yet elegant, four-storey building well-equipped with modern facilities is located at Geylang, Lorong 37. We credit this to the Building & Construction Committee for their contribution. The committee members include Jin Zhong, Yong Sheng, Guan Ren, Jin Fa, Di Wang, Cheng Hua, He Ping and Xing Ren, etc. The tower was the outcome of contribution in funding and efforts of the Hwu members, and therefore a symbol of success of the clan group’s aspirations.

In 2002, elder Jin Zhong retired from his position as the chairman, and was succeeded by elder Qing Shan. Taking the advice and wish from the ex-chairman, he set out to accomplish the goal of organising the Worldwide Hwu Association Convention.

In 2005, an organising committee was set up so as to work towards the celebration of completion of the tower and prepare for the Worldwide Hwu Association Convention. With much coincidence, the following year coincided with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the association. In view of this, the Executive Committee decided to organise a Triple Celebration in 2006, scheduling the date of celebration as 19 to 21 December 2006, consecutive three days of festive activities as part of the Triple Celebration. The celebration carried the message that the clan association going global for the first time, releasing of the first commemorative publication for the association, and also launched the new clan association online website and CD.

8 years after, the clan association held the Second Worldwide Hwu Association Convention, in line with the 68th anniversary for establishing of the clan association. On 22 to 24 November 2014, three consecutive days of celebration activities were held, with the feast held on 23 November in the ballroom at Garden By The Bay. A second commemorative publication was also released at the same time.

To date, the clan association has 73 years of history, the support group was established for 66 years. The association continues to advance forward with time, regularly revise the clan rules and bring blessings to all members of the Hwu association.